ZROBIM architects

Architecture with an idea

We see the mission of our team as changing the world around us through high-quality conceptual architecture. Each of our projects has a unique meaning and original idea.


History of development
ZROBIM architects

  • 2011
    Founding of the architectural bureau ZROBIM architects. Participation in the international competition «Archstoyanie'2011».
  • 2014
    Winner of the online voting of the international competition BELARUS DESIGN AWARD'2014.
  • 2016
    A new direction for the construction of modular houses BY home.
  • 2017
    Launch of a YouTube channel about architecture and design ZROBIM architects.
  • 2017
    Opening of the serial furniture brand BY furniture.
  • 2022
    Complex of rental modular houses on the Braslav Lakes NOMAD HOUSES.
  • 2023
    Development of an original educational course in interior design.
What we are proud of
International awards

our company's slogan
  • Projects
    in total
  • Implemented
  • Publications
    in the press

Architecture with an idea

The ZROBIM architects, Minsk studio team loves architecture of any size and purpose: from private houses to administrative, public buildings and shopping centers, from residential areas to small architectural forms and landscaping. When creating architecture, we do not just make a project and all its stages, we think about the life scenarios of a person who will live, work, relax, and study there.

The project is just the beginning.

Our studio’s projects are the result of a creative union between architects and the client, the result of joint reflection. And therefore, among our works you will not find two identical buildings or interiors. By creating various projects for people, we change their lives for the better.

What we are proud of

Architectural Engineering

We create unique designs of houses and buildings, taking into account all the features and wishes of the client.

Private houses

Public buildings

Villages and neighborhoods


What we are proud of

Interior Design

We develop modern interior design for apartments and houses, bringing into the space a new embodiment of Belarusian traditions, aesthetics and color, made in combination with global trends.

Private houses

Apartments design

Design of public spaces

What we are proud of

Serial furniture brand

We have launched a brand of designer furniture, BY furniture, which brings uniqueness, freedom of creativity, inspiration for productive work and good rest to the space.

When producing and designing our furniture, we take into account all the needs of modern people and global trends, we look for and find the best ways to implement our ideas, achieving a balance of design, comfort and quality in every piece of furniture of our brand.


What we are proud of

Production of modular houses

Keeping up with the times, we create prefabricated modern modular houses using technology that allows you to configure and expand the house by adding modules.

BY home technology is based on the principles of rationality and optimality. This is reflected in the successful combination of environmentally friendly materials, energy efficiency, functionality and overall cost of the home.


How we work

Stages, chronology and order of work on the project in the international architectural bureau ZROBIM architects.


Pre-project preparation

implementation period2-5 days

It involves getting to know the client and defining their initial request.


  • stage

    We organize a meeting with our art director in a live or online format. During the meeting in an informal setting, you tell us about how you see your future home, about your tastes and wishes, the estimated budget, etc.

    We have a good attitude towards Pinterest boards, so if you have already saved pictures and details somewhere that you like, this will help us better understand the stylistics and the general direction of work.

    At this stage, we also collect initial data: topographic survey, location and area of the site, the presence and composition of existing buildings, etc. - all the data necessary to start work on the project.

  • stage

    Next, together with the art director, you fill out a brief - a unique questionnaire, where there are specially composed questions that interest us for the start of designing. Therefore, if you forgot to mention something at the first meeting or did not specify, the brief will help systematize your thoughts, not miss anything and give a competent technical task for architects.

    Then, based on your wishes or brief, a commercial offer is formed and a contract is concluded, and we move on to the next stage - the creation of a sketch project.

    Get acquainted with the brief

Stage 1

Architectural and planning concept
(sketch project)

implementation period3 months

The main goal of this stage is to combine all your wishes, identified at the previous stage using a brief, with the initial data about the site: site parameters, area, relief, orientation to the sides of the world, sunny sides, etc. And get as a result a volumetric model of the future house with a certain area, technical solutions and a visual component.

Algorithm of work:

  • stage


    Based on the brief, we make the first sketch of the house - a sketch, which is further refined and specified in the course of numerous iterations. We hold weekly meetings/calls, where together with you we look at the current version of the sketch and make changes to the project, bringing it closer to the final form. We are also always in touch in a messenger convenient for you to solve any operational issues.

  • stage

    Functional zoning

    When we have the first agreed idea of the house, we proceed to functional zoning and planting the house on the site. Here we think through the interconnections of all the rooms of the house and work out various scenarios of human life in this space, that is, how he will move between rooms, from which side to arrange the entrance to the house, where to carry bags with products, etc.

  • stage

    Interactive 3D model

    The next step is to create a volumetric model of the house. We develop a 3D model, based on which we solve more specific issues, for example, where the windows go out and what the facades will look like. Also, based on mood boards and selections of preferred materials, we detail the exterior of the house.

  • stage

    Planning solution

    Next, based on the previous stages, we make a refined layout with furniture arrangement and make sure that all distances and sizes are correct and proportional. We also transfer this layout to a volumetric 3D model so that you can virtually walk inside the house and feel the fullness of space.

  • stage


    We give the detailed 3D model to visualizers who create photorealistic visualizations of the house on the site in its real environment. At this stage, we also clarify facade materials and solutions, their costs, and identify contractors for these works.

  • stage

    Detailing and packaging the project into an album

    As a result, all the work we have done is formalized in an album, which gives a complete understanding of the filling of the house and what it will look like. We also calculate and add to this album an approximate estimate for the construction of this house based on the data that we clarify from our partner contractors. That is, you get not just an album, but also an approximate cost of the solutions we offer, so that if at some stage we understand that the architecture is becoming too expensive, we can easily optimize it and bring it to the desired budget.

Results of the 1st stage

Thus, you have not just a worked out idea - a sketch project, which can be further refined by a construction project, but also an approximate cost of such architecture.

Stage 2

Architectural and constructive solutions
(construction project)

implementation period3 months

The main goal of this stage is to give a clear explanation and instructions on how to bring our idea (sketch project) to life. The construction project is divided into 2 large sections, which are performed by 2 different specialists: constructive solutions and architectural solutions.

Main sections:

  • stage

    Constructive solutions

    This section is handled by an engineer-designer who calculates the loads on the building and designs all the load-bearing elements. That is, his task is to make sure that nothing happens to the house for many years and that the solutions he chooses are within the established budget.

    For the work of the designer, we will need data about the geology of your site. You can either provide them yourself, using the services of specialized companies, or order such a service from us for an additional fee. Based on the data about the soils available on the site, the designer decides what kind of foundation to make, how to distribute loads and what constructive solutions to apply. The designer also calculates the amount of construction materials: how much concrete will be needed for the foundation and columns, how much reinforcement to use, etc. and explains how to implement complex architectural solutions and technical nodes.

  • stage

    Architectural solutions

    Along with the designer, the architect works, who details our sketch project with technical explanations. drawings and documentation. That is, his task is to explain how to build a house exactly as we conceived it: how many windows will be, how they will open, what to insulate the house with, what materials will be on the facade, etc. After the work of the architect, you will have a list of basic materials, that is, you will understand how much to buy a particular material for the construction of the house, as well as a technical task for contractors on how to implement the solutions we have chosen.

Results of the 2nd stage

The result of this stage is a construction project - a detailed instruction on how to build a house, from what materials, how to perform a complex technical node. Such an instruction often allows to reduce the costs of construction, because we provide a list, where it is already calculated the necessary amount of each material for construction and builders will not be able to deceive you, buying more materials than necessary.

Thus, having a construction project in hand, you can organize a tender for builders and choose the most attractive commercial offer for the construction of your house.

Stage 3

Engineering networks

implementation period3 months

The purpose of this stage is to give a clear understanding of what engineering systems and technologies we will use in the house. We recommend ordering the engineering networks section from us, just like the construction project - turnkey, as it helps at the start to understand what technologies we can and will apply and gives a comprehensive understanding of all the engineering systems of the house, and not point comments from contractors for each communication conducted.

This section includes 5 voluminous components:

  • heating
  • ventilation
  • water supply
  • sewage
  • electricity

Composition of the engineering project:

  • stage

    Study and analysis of implementation conditions

    The development of the engineering networks section begins with a comprehensive study of the construction conditions of the house: technical indicators of external engineering systems to which it will be connected, conditions of electricity, water, gas suppliers, etc., the structure of the house itself, maximum permissible loads, etc. We organize the work of more than 5 related specialists of our studio, who analyze the initial data and offer the most optimal engineering solutions.

  • stage

    Detailed BIM model

    All proposed engineering solutions are entered into our volumetric model and then checked by the architect (as they are performed by various related specialists) for the absence of any discrepancies or undesirable intersections in communications. Thus, you get a complete package of engineering solutions for your house with explanations and instructions for their implementation. The only exception here is the electrical section, which we include in the interior design project, because there will already be determined the exact location of sockets and switches, type of lighting and number of light sources and other nuances.

Results of the 3rd stage

As a result, you have a holistic project for all engineering systems of your house (except for electricity, which we will work on in the process of developing interior solutions).

The engineering project, just like the construction one, allows to reduce the total costs of construction, as we think through and calculate all the used solutions in advance and optimize the process of their implementation in terms of time and material costs.

Stage 4

Construction of the object

implementation period6 months

This stage implies control over construction processes and deadlines on our part, freeing you from the need to do it yourself and "live" on the construction site. Here are 2 options for our participation: customer service and author's supervision.

Composition of sections:

  • stage

    Customer service

    Here we take control and management of construction completely on ourselves. We provide you for approval a full estimate and specification of works that will be performed on the object. After approval, we break down the work into stages with the designation of deadlines and organize the work of contractors. That is, we provide you with one general document, which will have all the estimated offers from contractors and the timeline for the construction of the house, and also attach to your object a separate person who will conduct all communication with you and contractors, organize all construction work and solve emerging issues.

    In this process involved:

    • architect, who ensures that the implementation corresponds to the project
    • construction manager, who controls all work directly on the object
    • technical supervision specialists, whom we hire on the side for an independent objective assessment of construction from a technical point of view
  • Author's supervision

    Here our participation and control over construction is significantly less, as most of the processes and interactions with contractors fall on you. We check the compliance of construction with our architectural solutions, laid down in the project: whether the walls are standing there, whether the window is of the right size, whether a certain engineering node is correctly executed, etc. That is, our task is to periodically check the progress of construction, so that as a result you get a house according to our project, and not amateur performance from builders.

Stage 5

Interior Design

implementation period3 months

The main task of interior design is to create a unique comfortable space that will meet all your visual and functional requirements and reflect your lifestyle. That is, as a result, you get a well-thought-out ergonomic interior, in which everything is convenient and practical just for you, and which brings you aesthetic pleasure every day.

The work on interior design is built in several stages:

  • stage


    with our art director, during which we find out your wishes and ideas about what the interior will look like. At this stage, we also collect information (if it is not our architectural project): where the apartment/house is located, the area, the current layout, we take measurements.

  • stage

    Contract conclusion

    Next, based on your wishes or a filled-out brief (a unique questionnaire with specially compiled questions that we are interested in for the start of design), we form a commercial offer and conclude a contract, after signing which we proceed to design.

  • stage


    At this stage, we try to combine your wishes and ideas with the original data. We work out various layout options (if it is not our architectural project), the color palette of the interior and the main finishing materials, select specific positions of furniture and decor in each room. As a result, this forms 3D schemes for each room, on which you can see and understand the shapes and color filling of the space.

  • stage

    Photorealistic visualizations.

    We give the detailed and agreed-upon concept to visualizers, who create photorealistic visualizations of your interior based on it. At this stage, we also clarify finishing materials and solutions, their costs, and identify contractors for these works.

  • stage

    Detailing and packaging the project into an album

    As a result, all the work we have done is formalized in an album, which gives a complete understanding of the filling of the interior and what it will look like. We also calculate and add to this album an approximate estimate for the implementation of the interior based on the data that we clarify from our partner contractors. That is, you get not just an album, but also an approximate cost of the solutions we offer, so that if at some stage we understand that the design is becoming too expensive, we can easily optimize it and bring it to the desired budget.


Brief-questionnaire for interior design:

Get acquainted with the brief

Stage 6

Interior Implementation

implementation period6 months

This stage implies control over construction processes and deadlines on our part, freeing you from the need to do it yourself and "live" on the construction site. Here are 2 options for our participation: customer service and author's supervision.

Main sections:

  • stage

    Customer service

    Here we take control and management of implementation completely on ourselves. We provide you for approval a full estimate and specification of works that will be performed on the object. After approval, we break down the work into stages with the designation of deadlines and organize the work of contractors. That is, we provide you with one general document, which will have all the estimated offers from contractors and the timeline for the implementation of the interior, and also attach to your object a separate person who will conduct all communication with you and contractors, organize all work and solve emerging issues.

    In this process involved:

    • architect-designer, who ensures that the implementation corresponds to the project
    • construction manager, who controls all work directly on the object
    • technical supervision specialists, whom we hire on the side for an independent objective assessment of implementation from a technical point of view
  • Author's supervision

    Here our participation and control over the implementation of the project is significantly less, as most of the processes and interactions with contractors fall on you. We check the compliance of the object with our design solutions, laid down in the project. That is, our task is to periodically check the progress of implementation, so that as a result you get an interior according to our project, and not amateur performance from builders.

Architecture with an idea
Andrus Bezdar
Alexey Korablev

«For us, the project is not the result of work, but just a small step of the large staircase, which leads to the full implementation of the object»

Professional team
Looking for employees!
in the ZROBIM architects team

How to get into our team?

We are looking for a super professional, architecture fan and design genius with 200% efficiency to the team of architects ZROBIM!

We offer distant work as well as work in the studio office, high salary, projects control and your creative potential implementation.

contact us

And we will answer any questions you have