ZROBIM architects

Architecture with meaning
ZROBIM architects

ZROBIM architects

Architectural studio ZROBIM architects

Architectural studio ZROBIM architects always intends to use in its projects the newest achievements of architecture and design. Designing for exact people we materialize their version of ideal space, their dreams and desires.

Our studio’s projects — the result of creative architects' and clients' alliance, the result of joint thought. That is why you will not find two identical buildings or interiors among our works. Designing for people, we change their lives for the better.

our company's slogan
  • Projects
    in total
  • Implemented
  • Publications
    in the press

Architecture with an idea

Designing with us, you choose aesthetics and premium quality. Together we will materialize your ideal space, dreams and desires, going beyond expectations.

The project is just the beginning

Using the latest global trends in design and engineering, we create a special inspiring environment for people who need more. More than just a house. Functionality, aesthetics and quality are at the heart of every scenario of our clients' lives.

What we are proud of
International awards

Architectural studio ZROBIM architects
Andrus Bezdar
Alexey Korablev

«For us, the project is not the result of work, but just a small step of the large staircase, which leads to the full implementation of the object»

The main thing

Professional team

We have a highly professional team of architects, designers, subcontractors

We design all over the world
We design all over the world
Our representatives in other cities:


ZROBIM architects
Designing private houses

When you choose an individual house design, you can forget about the doubts about the accuracy of the project to match your desires and tastes. Our architectural workshop will not start its work without determining to the smallest detail what exactly the client expects from his house.

The creation of an architectural project begins with a freehand sketch in which the architect seeks to realize and communicate his idea.

ZROBIM architects
Contemporary interior design

Modern interior design is a challenge. Tasks of the budget, functionality, beauty and much more. In creating interior design, we use an analytical approach, which allows us to design both private housing and offices, cafes, restaurants, bars, galleries, museums, etc.

We proceed from the tasks that the client and the interior space sets for us. We think about how to rationally use the budget for implementation and create a unique design for a specific task.

ZROBIM architects
Designing settlements and quarters

One of the areas of work of our studio is the design of cottage settlements of various sizes and typologies. In our work, we apply our author’s approach, formed by many years of experience in the field of architecture and design.

contact us

And we will answer any questions you have