A project of an entry group to a premium village, which is designed not only to organize entry, but to create a feeling of comfort, safety and home warmth among residents. The entry group becomes the first element of interaction with the village, setting the tone for the entire space.
The work was carried out in collaboration with landscape designers, a marketing agency and other related specialists. The result is a creative and comprehensive architectural solution.
The main building on the site is the main building of the entry group, which contains the main public functions: lobby, restaurant, administration, children's area, etc. Also on the territory there is a checkpoint building and a separate "drum", which houses a lounge area for residents and guests of the village.
The main building is an expressive volume in the barnhouse style with a classic hut silhouette. The architectural solution refers to traditional Slavic architecture.
The first floor is smoothly integrated into the landscape due to geoplastics, creating the feeling of a hill with an exploitable roof intended for outdoor sports.
One of the most striking and architecturally expressive elements of the project is the drum, which houses a private club for residents of the village. It has an open space with a fireplace room, soft sofa areas, a cigar room on the second floor. The club is designed for comfortable communication of neighbors in a cozy, relaxing atmosphere.
STRAW HILL is not just an architectural object, it is a symbiosis of tradition and modernity. It serves not only practical purposes, but also creates a unique atmosphere for residents and guests of the village.
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